Frequently Asked Questions
How can I give?
You can donate online via the “Donate Now” link on the PTA website or visit directly. Otherwise contact Kim McGuire to receive more information and a pledge form. All contributions are 100% tax deductible and confidential.
Is my gift confidential?
It is your choice whether you would like to be publicly recognized for your donation.
How much should I give?
Families donated to the Stallion Fund with an average donation of $500/family or $250 per semester—a 12 recurring monthly payments of $41/month. Families with multiple children at the school typically gave more and 20% of families donated far more generously than average, to help us achieve our $87,000 goal. If every family at Steele were to donate $300 we would hit our goal. Because that is not realistic we are asking each family who is able to donate to consider an average minimum donation of at least $500. And are asking those unable to donate to raise funds in other ways. We have provided a Fundraising Kit to assist with these efforts.
Also note, most Coloradans donate on average 3.1% of their annual income to charities, nationwide, the average is closer to 3.4%. If you would like assistance calculating your gift, offers a gift calculator.
How does per pupil spending rank in Colorado compared to other states?
Examples of per pupil spending in neighboring states:
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, all donations are 100% tax deductible.
I already give to (Classroom Fundraiser, PTA, Garden, etc.) at Steele Elementary. Are you asking for an additional gift?
We appreciate all of the financial and volunteer support you provide to Steele Elementary. We have streamlined giving opportunities to make it easier for you to plan and budget. The Stallion Fund is the main fund that will help Steele maintain lower student/teacher ratios by providing second educators in every classroom year after year. This helps to enhance Steele’s academic offerings in areas to best serve the needs of its entire student body. The PTA also focuses on raising money for several different areas of need: enrichment programs like the Steele Garden, enhanced technology in the classroom and other classroom supplies and equipment. PTA also supports social events such as the Steele Community Carnival, Science Enrichment Night, Ice Skating Outing, Pumpkin Decorating, Earth Day Program, etc.
We encourage you to seriously consider an annual gift to the Stallion Fund in addition to your continued efforts to support other areas of Steele Elementary.
Why are you asking people individually?
We are focusing on individual giving because research indicates it is the most successful form of fundraising for an institution like Steele Elementary. This approach allows us to continue developing a culture of philanthropy at our school and gives many individual opportunities for families to provide financial support to the school.
I pay taxes. Why do I have to give to public school?
Taxes fund the important basics for public schools such as operational costs, teacher salaries and benefits, administrative salaries and expenses. Furthermore, Colorado has one of the lowest tax bases in the United States. Taxes do not fund Steele Elementary’s vision for enhanced academic programs, lower class sizes and individualized attention for each student. We must raise additional funds in order for our school to achieve above and beyond the basics.
How does my money really make a difference?
Money that has been raised through the Stallion Fund and the PTA ensures that your child and all Steele students receive the extra individual support they need across the spectrum of learning. It gives Steele Elementary the ability to provide the whole learning experience and the continuity of a high quality primary education year after year. This starts with talented, experienced and energetic teachers who offer more small group instruction with lower student-to-teacher ratios, more challenging academics for high-achieving or gifted and talented students, academic intervention programs to provide individual and small group instruction to students who need additional support, enrichment programs to further encourage the love of learning, and robust specials including technology, library, art, music, P.E. and dance. Read more about Steele's Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) for academics on the CSC website.
How will the money be allocated?
The Stallion Fund is strictly a fundraising body for Steele Elementary. It does not have the discretion to allocate funds. As the funds are raised, the Collaborative School Committee (CSC), comprised of Steele teachers, administration, community leaders and parents, will determine where and when the funds are allocated.
Are you going to approach corporations and foundations, too?
Yes, corporate and foundation support is an important part of the Stallion Fund. While research indicates that individual giving will be the most effective part of our fundraising efforts, there are several corporations and foundations that we hope will support the Stallion Fund.
How is the Stallion Fund different than the PTA?
The Stallion Fund is the main fund that helps Steele invest in educational priorities not accommodated by the Denver Public School budget. It helps Steele maintain lower student/teacher ratios with second educators, enhance academic offerings to serve the needs of it's enture student body. The PTA also focuses on raising money for several different areas of need: enrichment programs, the Steele Garden, teacher stipends for classroom supplies, and special requests. The PTA also free or discounted community social events such as the Steele Community Carnival, Science Enrichment Night, Ice Skating Outing, Pumpkin Decorating, Earth Day Program, etc.
How will you keep me apprised of the Stallion Fund’s progress?
The Stallion Fund reports on progress and opportunities to participate. This will come in the form of written letters, email communication, one-on-one contact and all-school meetings.
Will you expect me to give the same amount every year?
We appreciate any amount you are able to contribute each year. Since this is an annual fund, we strongly encourage you to think about pledging the same amount or more on an annual basis. However, we know in any given year there may be circumstances that prohibit your ability to give at your current level. We understand this and look forward to the level of annual support you are comfortable with.
What if I want to secure a language teacher (or some other priority) instead of the priorities you’ve laid out?
The CSC has conducted a rigorous needs assessment to determine the current priorities. This needs assessment will be conducted annually. If you feel there is another program more important than these priorities, or have a suggestion for future consideration, you can bring this matter in front of the CSC, or schedule a conversation with Principal Greeley.
How can you assure me that certain families/kids will not receive special treatment?
There is no preferential treatment, as families who give to the Stallion Fund are not distinguished from those who do not to any teachers. For children who have special needs, require an IEP or have other requests, these issues are addressed on an individual and confidential basis by the principal. These requests are handled completely separate from the planning process we’ve described.
What if I choose not to participate?
Your invitation to participate in supporting the Stallion Fund, or any other aspect of the school, is voluntary. In order for Steele Elementary to achieve its vision of excellence, it needs the family community to support our school’s culture of giving. This can be done in any amount of financial giving you are comfortable with. You can feel free to support any aspect of Steele at any time, including the PTA, the Stallion Fund, the Garden or your child’s classroom. In addition, volunteering your time on an occasional basis can make a significant positive difference. We are happy to talk with you about other ways you can support Steele Elementary based on your interests and limitations.
I feel donor burnout.
As the saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Our school community is made up of more than 400 students and their families, all of who care deeply about the education of their children. Many families find their own unique way of contributing to the school, both financially and with volunteer support. We have streamlined giving opportunities to make it easier for you to plan and budget. There are no giving requirements. And there is no tuition to pay, with the exception of ECE and full-day kindergarten. Our school is developing a strong culture of giving and we’d like you to be involved in this ongoing effort. We are happy to help you find a way to support Steele so that it does not feel like a burden, but rather an opportunity to be a part of our school’s continued climb toward excellence.
How does Steele Elementary set and achieve its academic goals?
The CSC drafts and revises a Unified Improvement Plan. Objectives concentrate on student needs based on their individual progress. Each year, the CSC will conduct a school needs assessment and put forth funding priorities the Stallion Fund can support.
You can donate online via the “Donate Now” link on the PTA website or visit directly. Otherwise contact Kim McGuire to receive more information and a pledge form. All contributions are 100% tax deductible and confidential.
Is my gift confidential?
It is your choice whether you would like to be publicly recognized for your donation.
How much should I give?
Families donated to the Stallion Fund with an average donation of $500/family or $250 per semester—a 12 recurring monthly payments of $41/month. Families with multiple children at the school typically gave more and 20% of families donated far more generously than average, to help us achieve our $87,000 goal. If every family at Steele were to donate $300 we would hit our goal. Because that is not realistic we are asking each family who is able to donate to consider an average minimum donation of at least $500. And are asking those unable to donate to raise funds in other ways. We have provided a Fundraising Kit to assist with these efforts.
Also note, most Coloradans donate on average 3.1% of their annual income to charities, nationwide, the average is closer to 3.4%. If you would like assistance calculating your gift, offers a gift calculator.
How does per pupil spending rank in Colorado compared to other states?
- Colorado ranks 42nd in per pupil spending, $2,518 less per pupil than the U.S. Average
- 40th in median student-teacher ratio in primary level schools
- 41st in technology in our schools
Examples of per pupil spending in neighboring states:
- Kansas spends $2,479 more than Colorado
- Montana $4,975
- Nebraska $4,243
- New Mexico $1,664
- Wyoming $9,508
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, all donations are 100% tax deductible.
I already give to (Classroom Fundraiser, PTA, Garden, etc.) at Steele Elementary. Are you asking for an additional gift?
We appreciate all of the financial and volunteer support you provide to Steele Elementary. We have streamlined giving opportunities to make it easier for you to plan and budget. The Stallion Fund is the main fund that will help Steele maintain lower student/teacher ratios by providing second educators in every classroom year after year. This helps to enhance Steele’s academic offerings in areas to best serve the needs of its entire student body. The PTA also focuses on raising money for several different areas of need: enrichment programs like the Steele Garden, enhanced technology in the classroom and other classroom supplies and equipment. PTA also supports social events such as the Steele Community Carnival, Science Enrichment Night, Ice Skating Outing, Pumpkin Decorating, Earth Day Program, etc.
We encourage you to seriously consider an annual gift to the Stallion Fund in addition to your continued efforts to support other areas of Steele Elementary.
Why are you asking people individually?
We are focusing on individual giving because research indicates it is the most successful form of fundraising for an institution like Steele Elementary. This approach allows us to continue developing a culture of philanthropy at our school and gives many individual opportunities for families to provide financial support to the school.
I pay taxes. Why do I have to give to public school?
Taxes fund the important basics for public schools such as operational costs, teacher salaries and benefits, administrative salaries and expenses. Furthermore, Colorado has one of the lowest tax bases in the United States. Taxes do not fund Steele Elementary’s vision for enhanced academic programs, lower class sizes and individualized attention for each student. We must raise additional funds in order for our school to achieve above and beyond the basics.
How does my money really make a difference?
Money that has been raised through the Stallion Fund and the PTA ensures that your child and all Steele students receive the extra individual support they need across the spectrum of learning. It gives Steele Elementary the ability to provide the whole learning experience and the continuity of a high quality primary education year after year. This starts with talented, experienced and energetic teachers who offer more small group instruction with lower student-to-teacher ratios, more challenging academics for high-achieving or gifted and talented students, academic intervention programs to provide individual and small group instruction to students who need additional support, enrichment programs to further encourage the love of learning, and robust specials including technology, library, art, music, P.E. and dance. Read more about Steele's Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) for academics on the CSC website.
How will the money be allocated?
The Stallion Fund is strictly a fundraising body for Steele Elementary. It does not have the discretion to allocate funds. As the funds are raised, the Collaborative School Committee (CSC), comprised of Steele teachers, administration, community leaders and parents, will determine where and when the funds are allocated.
Are you going to approach corporations and foundations, too?
Yes, corporate and foundation support is an important part of the Stallion Fund. While research indicates that individual giving will be the most effective part of our fundraising efforts, there are several corporations and foundations that we hope will support the Stallion Fund.
How is the Stallion Fund different than the PTA?
The Stallion Fund is the main fund that helps Steele invest in educational priorities not accommodated by the Denver Public School budget. It helps Steele maintain lower student/teacher ratios with second educators, enhance academic offerings to serve the needs of it's enture student body. The PTA also focuses on raising money for several different areas of need: enrichment programs, the Steele Garden, teacher stipends for classroom supplies, and special requests. The PTA also free or discounted community social events such as the Steele Community Carnival, Science Enrichment Night, Ice Skating Outing, Pumpkin Decorating, Earth Day Program, etc.
How will you keep me apprised of the Stallion Fund’s progress?
The Stallion Fund reports on progress and opportunities to participate. This will come in the form of written letters, email communication, one-on-one contact and all-school meetings.
Will you expect me to give the same amount every year?
We appreciate any amount you are able to contribute each year. Since this is an annual fund, we strongly encourage you to think about pledging the same amount or more on an annual basis. However, we know in any given year there may be circumstances that prohibit your ability to give at your current level. We understand this and look forward to the level of annual support you are comfortable with.
What if I want to secure a language teacher (or some other priority) instead of the priorities you’ve laid out?
The CSC has conducted a rigorous needs assessment to determine the current priorities. This needs assessment will be conducted annually. If you feel there is another program more important than these priorities, or have a suggestion for future consideration, you can bring this matter in front of the CSC, or schedule a conversation with Principal Greeley.
How can you assure me that certain families/kids will not receive special treatment?
There is no preferential treatment, as families who give to the Stallion Fund are not distinguished from those who do not to any teachers. For children who have special needs, require an IEP or have other requests, these issues are addressed on an individual and confidential basis by the principal. These requests are handled completely separate from the planning process we’ve described.
What if I choose not to participate?
Your invitation to participate in supporting the Stallion Fund, or any other aspect of the school, is voluntary. In order for Steele Elementary to achieve its vision of excellence, it needs the family community to support our school’s culture of giving. This can be done in any amount of financial giving you are comfortable with. You can feel free to support any aspect of Steele at any time, including the PTA, the Stallion Fund, the Garden or your child’s classroom. In addition, volunteering your time on an occasional basis can make a significant positive difference. We are happy to talk with you about other ways you can support Steele Elementary based on your interests and limitations.
I feel donor burnout.
As the saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Our school community is made up of more than 400 students and their families, all of who care deeply about the education of their children. Many families find their own unique way of contributing to the school, both financially and with volunteer support. We have streamlined giving opportunities to make it easier for you to plan and budget. There are no giving requirements. And there is no tuition to pay, with the exception of ECE and full-day kindergarten. Our school is developing a strong culture of giving and we’d like you to be involved in this ongoing effort. We are happy to help you find a way to support Steele so that it does not feel like a burden, but rather an opportunity to be a part of our school’s continued climb toward excellence.
How does Steele Elementary set and achieve its academic goals?
The CSC drafts and revises a Unified Improvement Plan. Objectives concentrate on student needs based on their individual progress. Each year, the CSC will conduct a school needs assessment and put forth funding priorities the Stallion Fund can support.